Understanding the Importance of Principles of Design

Whenever we start something there are certain principles that are defined before, we step into a field. When it comes to design you also fall to follow some of the principles. Most of the people face issues in knowing that how many types of principles of design are there? Either they are five, seven or ten? In this article we will help you to know the seven hidden principle of designs.
The principle of design is explained as the things included in the formation of design to create a perfect and complete design. Professionals says that there are 7 major principle of designs that helps in designing. Below mentioned are the Seven major principles of design:
Every client wants that its deign look more or often a unique and prominent one. For this sake they mostly complaint like to the designer to have a more pop design that attract the audience. This doesn’t mean that they are looking for a complete change, but the client is looking for some more effective contrast.
The contrast is explained as creating a different element in the same design. Making two of elements more visible and clearer than the other one. Due to this factor the design automatically prominent and increase the understandability of audience. If the contrast is not accurate according to the read, then it will create quite difficulty for the audience when it comes to read. Majorly this difficulty is faced by the color blind people. Even before setting out the contrast you need to keep in mind that your user can be a color blind person so the font should be selected effectively.
When we talk about the visual design principle or principle of design then we need to check each and everything of a design. Either it is typography, colors, images, shapes, pattern or anything. Each of it carries a particular weight in visual context. Few elements are considered to be heavy and few are light but still they consist of some kind of weight. All these things fall in the area of balance.
Now Balance is, furthermore, defined in two categories:
- Symmetrical
- Asymmetrical
The symmetrical design is explained as the equal weights are given to each side of the imaginary center line. No of the side exceed the given amount of weight.
The asymmetrical design is explained as the division of weight laid on both the sides differ. The relation created between this is not equal in the overall design.
Emphasis in most of the cases helps in conveying the message through the design. Whenever there is some of the important illustration the principle in design says that use emphasis so that the impact of appropriate amount of information can be reduced.
The movement in principles of design is described as the movement of eye. That is the things or information should be placed according to the priority level. What your client wants to show first must be shown on number one. This helps in engaging the audience and attracting them to go through the entire content.
Variety create uniqueness in the design. It helps in creating a difference and helping in creating interest of the users. There are various ways to create a variety on the design like through colors, typographies, adding relevant images, shapes or other kind of elements.
Creating a difference in the name of variety is totally pointless or useless. Varity should be enforced in a way that relation between other elements of the should be seen creating an interesting and aesthetically design that should be attracted by users.
Unity is an element of design that refers to the impact that every design when placed together create a new design. It creates a relationship that every element made is made for each other and when assembled together will give the best outlook.
The unity also helps in depicting the concept of a company and ensuring that why this design is created.
In every design there must be some kind of white spaces that help in creating a difference between two sections. If there is no whote spacing the content of the design will be jumbled up and it will remove the concept of the design and due to this the design will become useless.
Every design follows some kind of hierarchy and this hierarchy helps in placing the right content at the right place. It also helps in gaining the audience attraction and bringing them toward the clients business.
The pattern of the design is the outer look that gives the idea that where and when the element should be placed and how it should be placed. The beautiful the pattern the more understandability will be created.
The rhythm is defined as the white spaces given between two or more elements of a design. Some rhythms are random. The random rhythms are explained as the discernable pattern. The other type of rhythm is the regular rhythm that follows the same spacing between elements and are not variant.
Repletion is the best way to enforce the idea. It is a principle through which we can unify the design and ensemble different pattern together. The process of repetition can be done in many ways like repeating same color, typefaces, shapes, or other elements of a design.
Every design when created consist of some kind of elements and these elements helps in giving existence to the design. The basic elements of designs are mentioned below:
- Line
- Color
- Point
- Shape
- Texture
- Space
- Form
- Typography
Designer should know that how many principle are there to design. Without this you cannot come up with any type of design according to clients need. Although the client does not know that how and what is fault in it but still gives the suggestion. So, for this you must need to know that what things are missing and what should be added to meet the client’s need and requirements.
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